Monday, January 24, 2011

Thing 16: E-Books

I have been desiring a Nook for a few months now. After seeing/borrowing/using a relatives I was impressed by the both its size and readibilty. Also, I loved being able to look up a definition while actually holding the book I was reading. But I don't want to buy a book that I cannot later loan or give to someone else. For me that is where the e-book issue gets sticky. When libraries hold ebooks do they really own them? As with other digital content how much control will the library have--determing the check-out periods, for example.
I have heard some students say they would like all textbooks in the e-format ( lower cost, easier to transport) some say they want nothing to do with e-format textbooks (can't write in them, can't re-sell to the bookstore).
Finally, there are issues with privacy--will Barnes and Noble know and remember all the titles I have read?
I think/hope there will be a place for both print and digital books in the future.

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